Well-being encompasses physical, mental and social components. When someone suffers from physical pain, chronic illness or the mental/physical pain brought on by stress or depression, they can’t show up fully for life. Joan’s desire is to use Reiki, coaching and awareness through education to help clients and students attain and then sustain a healthy state of well-being.
Both Reiki and Coaching are offered in Sessions, typically 1:1 sessions.
A great way to describe Reiki is by thinking about how you would explain ‘wind’ to someone who has never experienced ‘wind?’ Ummmm, think about that a moment…in simplest terms, wind is air in motion…or you might create a visual by saying, ‘the wind moves leaves, messes your hair, causes a flag to wave’…or better yet you might say, ‘you’ll just have to experience ‘wind’ and its impact.’
Describing Reiki is very much the same. It could be described as a gentle, meditative and restorative hands-on therapy that brings about such a deep state of relaxation that the body’s natural healing abilities kick in. It supports the body’s ability to heal itself. A Reiki session offers a chance for your body to take a break and recharge; it clears your mind; it resets your nervous system. As with the ‘wind,’ to best understand it, you need to experience it.
Life & Wellness Coaching focuses on healing the ‘mind’ or emotional part of your life to help you ‘live your best life,’ one that offers happiness and purpose. Coaching helps a person to improve relationships, including a most important relationship, the one you have with yourself. Improving self-image, self-esteem and the belief that ‘You Are Enough,’ might be just what’s needed to clear the way to move forward in other areas of your life. The coaching process helps to create the means to navigate through personal or projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions…it helps you to get beyond ‘stuckness.’
The coaching process helps you to clarify your goals, identify obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming those obstacles. In creating these strategies, we’ll target your unique skills and gifts and help you to make the most of your strengths. Our goal in working together in a Coaching relationship is to create a foundation to support you in achieving long-lasting change.