TRANSITION: a noun meaning passage, one positive movement or change from one state, stage, subject or concept to another; ‘Change.’
Humans don’t particularly like change so when the first tap-on-the-shoulder ‘feeling’ in the gut informing you that you might need to do something differently appears, you might fight it, ignore it, deny it or my personal favorite is try to outrun it by keeping myself buried in ‘busyness.’ What’s your favorite means to ignore the tap? Have you ever experienced the tap becoming so persistent that it feels like you’ve been smacked upside the head with a 2×4, which in turn ‘forces’ you to make a change without another choice? I have!!!
One of my favorite sayings is … ‘when the student’s ready, the teacher appears.’
Sometimes the ‘teacher’ can be subtle and sometimes not. In 2008, that teacher appeared in my life wielding a power-packed 2×4 resulting in a life-changing ‘transition.’ As painful as it was, I am forever thankful.
Peaceful Easy Healing is created…
This opportunity to ‘transition’ blew into my life over a 3-month series of ‘coincidences.’ The economic changes of the time displaced me from a ‘traditional’ profession and role; the next month I said ‘yes’ to marrying a wonderful guy only to discover as wonderful as he was, he wasn’t a wonderful guy for me. Three weeks into our marriage I dumped my Harley resulting in multiple broken bones ‘forcing’ me to literally sit in a wheelchair with a thigh-to-ankle casted leg offering not a lot to do except use this precious gift of time to truly explore and examine what I was meant to be doing with the rest of my life. The answer came in the form of additional ‘coincidences’ revealing how I was to be a teacher and a healer, which I had been told I was countless times but never fully embraced because ‘intellectually’ I didn’t understand the ‘healer’ portion. The culmination of this series of coincidences (tons of ‘ah-ha moments) provided me the tangible proof of my being a ‘teacher and healer’ and the ultimate creation of Peaceful Easy Healing.
Stepping into this role…
Once I accepted the role, the path I followed on this journey is not much different from many of my clients. First, step was to heal both my body and spirit. I participated in all types of therapy to mend my broken body and also reached out to a life coach to help me focus and heal my disheartened spirit. By late ’09 I was well on my way to finding the answer…and that answer was Reiki and coaching
(which I had been doing long before the profession of coaching became what it is today.)
A prequel to this story is, In the late ’90’s I had received my Reiki Level I attunement (the process that allows practitioners to share Reiki) but learned it wasn’t the right time since I didn’t embrace it and use it to its full potential. I rediscovered Reiki in late ’09 by taking Reiki Levels I and II and successfully putting them to use to heal my body and spirit and to share with others. In early 2011 I earned my Master/Teacher Level certifications that opened to me the ability to teach and share Reiki with others so they could use it for self-healing or healing others…voila teaching and healing became a reality.
Impact of Reiki in my life…
With Reiki in my life, a renewed path of self-exploration and possibilities opened for me to heal my body, to further develop my intuition, to stay positive, to continue to grow, to gain clarity and focus. I continue to love sharing the gentle healing power of Reiki with others to help support their healing journey of mind, body and spirit while also teaching. In 2020 in the midst of the uncertainty brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, I welcomed Holy Fire® Reiki (Master level) into my world to further enhance my self-healing (a necessary step before you can support others), my ability to heal others and most importantly, to facilitate Reiki classes at a distance.
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Peaceful Easy Healing Today
My World of Possibilities Has Become My Reality & Continues to Expand
I believe in possibilities!! I believe in the power of transformation!! We humans might not like change, but we are resilient…2020 certainly taught us that!! Today is a starting point. If you aren’t happy with where you are today, you have the power to create change and I’d love the opportunity to join you on your journey of transformation…helping you move from where you are today to where you want to be for all of your tomorrows. I look forward to the opportunity to be your partner and guide on this journey. As your partner, I offer guidance, feedback, alternatives to getting to your better tomorrow. I look forward to being your ‘accountabuddy’ to celebrate your successes and reflect upon actions that don’t quite work. If Plan A doesn’t work, we revise to Plan B and beyond.
My desire is to share Peaceful Easy Healing through Coaching, Reiki, Education, and most recently as a Board Certified Patient Advocate (BCPA), which once again came about due to a hospital stay that was full of mistakes, missteps, misdiagnoses and possible major mishaps that I wouldn’t wish on anybody, especially vulnerable seniors. Peaceful Easy Healing services might originate in Gold Canyon, Arizona, but can reach you no matter where you live via phone or Zoom.
The first step: contact me for a ‘Let’s Get Acquainted’ informal conversation. I’m here to help you create and then implement your best life.
Everyone deserves to live their best life…
make today the day you explore those possibilities.